On 5 July 2021, the International Dispute Resolution and Risk Management Institute has greeted the visit from SME Global Alliance.
In the meeting, representatives seek better business protection and opportunities for SMEs in the Greaterbay Area. Different topics were covered, including areas in relation to the background of the respective organisations, challenges faced by the SMEs, professional training, expert cultivation, and professional service provision. Organisations have a consensus on securing further collaboration with MOUs.
IDRRMI, HKMC, AIDRN, HKIMC representatives
- Dr Francis Law – Chairman, International Dispute Resolution and Risk Management (IDRRMI)
- Ms Amy Wong – General Secretary, Hong Kong Mediation Centre (HKMC)
- Dr Alfred Chan – Director, Academy of International Dispute Resolution and Professional Negotiation (AIDRN)
- Dr Alex Lau – Chairman of Committee of Intellectual Property, Hong Kong International Mediation Centre (HKIMC)
SME Global Alliance representatives
- Mr Jefferson Wat – Alliance Chairman, SME Global Alliance
- Mr Hector Pang – President, SME Global Alliance
- Ms Maggie Chau – Executive Vice President, SME Global Alliance
- Mr Rico Chan – Vice President, SME Global Alliance
- Ms Ricky Lui – Vice President, SME Global Alliance
- Ms Crystal – SME Global Alliance

The IDRRMI is looking forward to richening the collaboration with the SME Global Alliance in the short future.