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Round Table Discussion on WTO Dispute Settlement Reform on 18 July 2024
Event hosted by RMIT School of Global, Urban and Social Studies - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Join the Round Table Discussion: CLICK HERE

E-Brochure release on Creating Collaborative Culture in the Performing Arts Industry Through Mediation

The Performing Arts industry holds significant importance in society, but disputes can arise, making mediation crucial for resolving conflicts effectively. Mediation provides a structured and collaborative process that fosters open communication, allowing parties to express concerns and gain understanding. It offers a flexible approach that empowers parties to craft mutually beneficial solutions, preserving relationships and creativity. Mediation's confidentiality safeguards reputations and respects the industry's diverse landscape. By embracing mediation, the Performing Arts industry can maintain harmony, foster growth, and uphold its vibrant reputation.

The Performing Arts International Mediation Committee of Hong Kong International Mediation Centre ("HKIMC"), an international mediation collaborator of the IDRRMI, has recently published an introductory brochure highlighting the significance of utilizing mediation to foster a collaborative culture within the Performing Arts industry. The brochure aims to emphasize the importance of mediation as a means to effectively resolve conflicts and promote harmonious relationships within the industry.

Access to the e-brochure 


Announcement of the launching of the e-version of "The Directory of Professional Mediation and Risk Management Service in the GBA" and "The Practices Guidebook for the Mediation and Risk Management Professionals in the GBA"

"The Directory of Professional Mediation and Risk Management Services in the GBA" and "The Practices Guidebook for Professional Mediation and Risk Management Services in the GBA" aim to promote the use of international mediation for dispute resolution among small and medium-sized enterprises in the Greater Bay Area, while highlighting the professional mediation services provided by Hong Kong in the region.

Since their launch on March 8, 2024, these two publications have received high praise and demand from legal and cross-border business industries. You may now view the e-copy online.

Please register with the link and access to the publications.


Institutional Briefing | 24 June 2024 國際爭議解決與風險管理協會協助大灣區發展 · 暨南大學法學院訪港交流

For more details, please see the Traditional Chinese web page

Advanced Mediation Principles and Skills [AMPS] – Hong Kong, 22-23 June 2024 with the support of MHJMC

AMPS offers a comprehensive exploration of advanced mediation techniques, led by renowned international experts from three different continents and practical experience around the globe. Designed for mediators aiming to elevate their proficiency, the program provides actionable insights and practical demonstration to navigate the complexities of mediation effectively. Divided into two distinct day-long modules, participants have the flexibility to attend either or both days.

Details and Registration


Institutional Briefing | 19 June 2024 國際爭議解決與風險管理協會協助大灣區發展系列 · 與眾信中心共促進深圳電子商務交易保障

For more details, please see the Traditional Chinese web page

Institutional Briefing | 13 June 2024 香港國際調解中心訪問廣東省南方公證處

For more details, please see the Traditional Chinese web page

Institutional Briefing | 13 June 2024 香港國際調解中心(廣州)分中心揭牌,協助大灣區發展

For more details, please see the Traditional Chinese web page

Institutional Briefing | 香港國際爭議解決與風險管理系統參加人工智慧與法律職業倫理論壇

For more details, please see the Traditional Chinese web page


Institutional Briefing | 香港國際爭議及風險管理系統訪問浙大城市學院、浙江貿促會及杭州市司法局

For more details, please see the Traditional Chinese web page


Institutional Briefing | 國際爭議解決與風險管理協會訪問寧波市司法局

For more details, please see the Traditional Chinese web page


Institutional Briefing | 「國際爭議解決與風險管理基地」在暨南大學法學院揭牌

For more details, please see the Traditional Chinese web page


Institutional Briefing | 國際爭議解決及風險管理協會協助大灣區發展系列 · 瀛及研修院訪港交流

For more details, please see the Traditional Chinese web page


Institutional Briefing | 國際爭議解決及風險管理協會協助大灣區發展系列 · 廣州商學院造訪交流

For more details, please see the Traditional Chinese web page


Institutional Briefing | The Australian Center of the International Dispute Resolution and Risk Management Association Opens, Adding a New International Cooperation Platform for China's International Dispute and Risk Management Services

For more details, please see the Traditional Chinese web page (1), web page (2)


Institutional Briefing | 香港國際調解中心與上海貿促國際商事調解中心合作共同推動中國國際商事調解事業發展

For more details, please see the Traditional Chinese web page


Institutional Briefing | 司法部人民參與及促進法制局訪問國際爭議解決及風險管理協會

For more details, please see the Traditional Chinese web page


Institutional Briefing | Chairman Prof. Dr. Law Wai Hung Francis attended the "國際爭議解決與風險管理協會協助大灣區發展 · 訪港交流系列”

For more details, please see the Traditional Chinese web page


Institutional Briefing | Chairman Prof. Dr. Law Wai Hung Francis attended the "國際爭議解決與風險管理協會協助大灣區發展系列·廣州”

For more details, please see the Traditional Chinese web page


Institutional Briefing | Chairman Prof. Dr. Law Wai Hung Francis attended the “國際爭議解決與風險管理協會協助大灣區發展系列‧深圳”

For more details, please see the Traditional Chinese web page


Institutional Briefing | Chairman Prof. Dr. Law Wai Hung Francis attended the “Signing Ceremony of MOU between DoJ and Ministry of Justice of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Event Highlights: Click Here


Institutional Briefing | Chairman Prof. Dr. Law Wai Hung Francis attended the “國際爭議解決與風險管理協會協助大灣區發展系列 · 橫琴粵澳深度合作區及珠海高新區”

For more details, please see the Traditional Chinese web page


Institutional Briefing | Chairman Prof. Dr. Law Wai Hung Francis attended the “國際爭議解決與風險管理協會協助大灣區發展系列 · 珠海”

For more details, please see the Traditional Chinese web page


Funded by the Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund (TSF) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the International Dispute Resolution and Risk Management Institute (“IDRRMI”) assists Hong Kong enterprises and cross-border mediation professionals to explore the Greater Bay Area market and promote the widespread use of cross-border mediation. Environmental mediation promotion project. Project activity details (Traditional Chinese)

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Officially launch of the Interview series - Mediation New Generation Programme

To allow the general public to have a clear picture of the application of mediation in different areas, Dr. Law Wai-hsiung, Chairman of the International Dispute Resolution and Risk Management Institute ("IDRRMI"), as the President of the Hong Kong Mediation Centre ("HKMC"), interviewed guests from various professions. In a programme separated into 11 episodes, guests would introduce to us the nature of different industries (including healthcare, green finance, insurance, community.. and more), and how mediation can effectively resolve the dispute in that particular area.

Audiences from the Mainland/Greater Bay Area can watch through this link (Bread Entertainment)

  • Signing ceremony among IDRRMI,HKMC,HCFSME,GECA & Seminar on Cooperative Development Opportunities and Risk Prevention for SMEs in the Greater Bay Area was successfully held

    March 2021 (Chinese only)

  • [Highlights] Know-how on Doing Business in Mainland China – Labour Law, Personal Income Tax Law and Insurance” (Webinar)

    January 2021

  • Dr. Francis Law was invited as a mediator for cross-border commercial disputes in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

    December 2020 (Chinese only)

  • [Highlights] 2020 UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Day Webinar: The Future Practice of Commercial Dispute Resolution after Extending the Application of CISG to Hong Kong (Webinar)

    December 2020

  • IDRRMI and Doctors Think Tank Academy signed MOU succesfully

    December 2020 (Chinese Only)

  • Notice of Office Relocation

    October 2020

  • [Highlights] IDRRMI warmly congratulates The Belt and Road Intellectual Property Innovation and Cooperation Summit Forum and the Establishment Ceremony of the Intellectual Property International Cooperation Alliance

    September 2020 (Chinese Only)

  • [Highlights] IDRRMI successfully hosted the 2020 Shanghai and Hong Kong Legal Professionals Online Seminar

    September 2020 (Chinese Only)

  • [Highlights]Haikou International Commercial Mediation Center was officially inaugurated

    September 2020 (Chinese Only)

  • [Highlights] Chairman Law attended the Online Opening Ceremony of the Haikou International Commercial Mediation Center

    September 2020 (Chinese Only)

  • [Highlights]The Intellectual Property Mediation Center of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area was officially opened for operation

    September 2020 (Chinese Only)

  • [Highlights] IDRRMI and five other professional organisations in property management have jointly established the Hong Kong Real Estate Management and Service Alliance

    August 2020

  • [Highlights] Visiting Hangzhou Arbitration Commission & Hangzhou Lawyer Association

    May 2019 (Chinese Only)

  • [Highlights] Mediation Seminar in Hangzhou

    May 2019 (Chinese Only)


    April 2019 (Chinese Only)

Video Highlight of the International Dispute Resolution Conference 2019 - New Era of Global Collaboration


About International Dispute Resolution & Risk Management Institute

International Dispute Resolution & Risk Management Institute (IDRRMI) is a leading global professional body in the field of dispute resolution which receives support and recognition from Mainland authorities and prominent dispute resolution organizations such as Hong Kong Mediation Centre, Mainland - Hong Kong Joint Mediation Center and universities in Australia, China and the United Kingdom. IDRRMI is dedicated to providing the Belt and Road enterprises and other global organizations with one-stop solutions for dispute resolution, risk management, internal control, and corporate governance. IDRRMI has also established an accreditation mechanism to assess and certify dispute resolution specialists of different levels. The Advisory Board of IDRRMI consists of distinguished leaders in the commercial sector, legal profession and public services. IDRRMI comprises dispute resolution experts from more than 20 countries and regions and collaborates with over 40 partner organizations in Hong Kong, China and overseas. To popularize the concept of diversified dispute resolution, IDRRMI has launched the first international platform in connection with China’s diversified dispute resolution mechanism.