Application Procedures for Registering Continuing Professional Development (“CPD”) Courses/Lectures/Seminars/Workshops Organized by Other Organizations
In order to satisfy the requirements for registering CPD Courses / Lectures / Seminars / Workshops (hereinafter referred to as “event”), organizers shall complete an application form (CPD Form 2) for each event organized. Completed application forms are to be submitted to the Secretariat of the IDRRMI at the following address:
21/F, Success Commercial Building,
245-251 Hennessy Road,
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Application shall be made at least 4 weeks prior to the scheduled date of the event. The organizer may use the wordings “Pending CPD registration approval from the IDRRMI” after the application on the promotion materials. Any incomplete application form will not be processed and the IDRRMI will return the incomplete application form to the organizer if possible. The IDRRMI shall endeavor to respond to an application within 21 working days to facilitate the organizer in advertising the event in a timely manner.
Upon the notification of approval, the organizer may use the wordings “N CPD points approved by IDRRMI” where [N] denotes of the number of CPD points so approved. Post-registration will not be acceded, i.e. it is not possible to register CPD points after any event has taken place.
Guidelines on the awarding of CPD Points
The number of CPD points will normally be equivalent to the number of hours of the activity (excluding coffee/tea/lunch/dinner breaks etc). IDRRMI reserves the rights of final decision.
Registration of Attendance
Organizer shall register all those attending the event, the names of the attendees and duration of attendees’ attendance of the event shall be clearly recorded. The completed Attendance documents are to be submitted to the Secretariat of IDRRMI within 14 days after the event. Failure to adhere to this administrative procedure will render the CPD points awarded invalid.
Registration Fee
If the event is fee charging, an administrative charge will be levied by IDRRMI. The prescribed registration fee is currently fixed at HK$500 per event for non-commercial organizers and HK$1,000 per event for commercial organizers. On the other hand, if the event is free of charge, no administrative charge will be levied. Organizer is required to submit this registration fee together with their application form.
Documentation Required for the Registration of CPD events
The following documentations are required to furnish to the IDRRMI Secretariat for each CPD registration:
- Completed application form for Continuing Professional Development events
- A promotional flyer of the activity (if applicable)
- An outline of the activity
- Up-to-date resume(s) of the event presenter(s), listing their experience and professional qualifications.
- A copy of materials / handouts to be distributed to participants at the activity
- Completed Attendance documents*
- Event evaluation summary to be completed by the organizer taking into consideration of comments from participants*
* These documents are to be submitted to the MHJMC Secretariat within 14 days after the event has taken place.