We are delighted to announce the Hong Kong Engineering Associations Alliance (EAA) has been established under the joint effort from IDRRMI and 11 engineering-related professional organisations on 2 July 2021. The EAA signing ceremony was held at the Hong Kong Mediation Centre’s central office and was honourably witnessed by the Legislative Council of Hong Kong for the Engineering constituency, Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-Kwok, GBS, MH, JP.
The EAA aims at enhancing the professionalism in engineering expertise, knowledge exchange, and to support professional service with efficient risk management and dispute resolution protection.
Alliance Member:
(According to alphabetical order)
- Chartered Association of Building Engineers Hong Kong Chapter (CABEHK)
- Historic Building Conservation Association (HBCA)
- Hong Kong Concrete Repair and Waterproofing Association (HKCWRA)
- Hong Kong Institute of Environmentalists (HKIOE)
- Hong Kong Institute of Clerks of Works (HKICW)
- Hong Kong Institution of Facilities Engineers (HKIFE)
- Hong Kong Intuition of Building and Services Engineers (HKIBSE)
- Hong Kong Society of Engineering Professionals (HKSEP)
- Institute of Clerks of Works and Construction Inspectorate Hong Kong Chapter ICWCI (HK)
- Institute of Data Centre Engineers (IDCE)
- International Dispute Resolution and Risk Management Institute (IDRRMI)
- The Hong Kong Institution of Registered Engineers (Lift and Escalator)
The event is supported by 9 organisations including Hong Kong Mediation Centre (HKMC), Hong Kong Centre of International Commercial Arbitration (HKCICA), Hong Kong Adjudication Centre (HKADJC), Hong Kong International Mediation Centre (HKIMC), Internationally Professional Dispute Resolution Advocates Association (IPDRAA), and more